Tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to marketing your biz? You're in the right place. I'm here to help so you can get back to your zone of genius.

Welcome to your one-stop shop for organic digital marketing services.

I'm baby art party asymmetrical selfies scenester intelligentsia master cleanse. Master cleanse mumblecore skateboard truffaut four loko twee normcore bicycle rights woke fashion axe portland flannel prism tumblr cray. Vice tofu gochujang pug glossier tote bag banjo hot chicken everyday carry man bun banh mi portland hashtag. Vegan organic chillwave, disrupt meditation asymmetrical man braid man bun selfies +1 green juice yuccie sriracha paleo. disrupt meditation asymmetrical man braid man bun selfies +1 green juice yuccie sriracha paleo. Master cleanse mumblecore skateboard truffaut four loko twee normcore bicycle rights wok.

And, you’re freaking sick of templated meal plans you found on pinterest.

You know diets don’t really work.

Let's get started

Whether you need a Lead Magnet and Welcome Sequence, or weekly newsletter content writing and strategy, I'm here to help!

Email Marketing


Let's work together to create a social media marketing strategy that serves your audience, directly ties to your goals, and is backed by data.

Social Media Management


work with LESLEY ANNE

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Let's level up your online presence and build a website that works wonders for your business.   

Website Design

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The 4-Minute Morning Meditation for Overeating

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Hey there! I'm Lesley Anne, and I am passionate as heck about marketing. People NEED what you do, but you can't serve them if they don't know about you. Nothing brings me more joy than coming alongside my clients to plan and execute effective digital marketing strategies tailored for their business, whether a start-up brand or a business that has been around for years. With 12 years of experience in communications and project management, I've taken what I've learned to make a powerful impact on independently-owned brands and help them improve their organic online marketing strategies. I can't wait to do the same for you! 


You found your new CMO

you can stop looking...

Meet  Lesley Anne!


"Working with Gabby was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was a mental, physical, and emotional change. She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body... for good!" — Lisa M.

"She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body... for good!"

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Natural Body Products for a Healthy Morning Ritual

An excerpt from this blog post goes here. You can set this up to automatically pull the latest posts or select your favorite blogs to manually add.

The 7 Books that Changed My Relationship with Food

from the 

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